Gary’s Blog

Gain wisdom and council from one of Denver’s best divorce, business, personal injury, family law, and litigation lawyers.

Does A Prenuptial Agreement Chill Romance?

There is probably nothing very romantic about discussing a prenuptial agreement prior to marriage. Often this is a very difficult subject to initiate. Deciding whether a pre-nup is right for you and your future spouse is a very personal decision and situations are...

New Colorado Spousal Maintenance Alimony Law

Colorado’s new maintenance (alimony) law significantly changes the approach for awarding maintenance. House Bill 1058 became law on May 10, 2013 providing a formula for determination of spousal maintenance.   Some individuals who believe that this law may adversely...

Effects of Divorce on Children

Of course, divorce is almost always a difficult and stressful event for children. In most cases, children want their parents to stay together and the process of divorce can be emotionally devastating. There are several things which parents can do to ease the effects...

Domestic Partnerships – Civil Unions

Domestic Partnerships - A new era of rights and responsibilities for the gay and lesbian community began March 21, 2013 after the Colorado Civil Union Act was signed into law recognizing same sex domestic partnerships.  In Colorado, same sex marriages are still banned...

New Perspectives

I have now been practicing law for almost 35 years and it is hard to believe how fast the years have flown by.  I have recently attempted to change my approach to the practice a bit.  I have always been driven to build a successful practice and accomplish my client’s...

Postnuptial Agreement

Postnuptial Agreements Although your marriage or civil union may have taken place years ago, it is not too late to outline the financial terms and arrangements between you and your spouse. Postnuptial agreement, the validity of which is recognized in Colorado, are...

Cohabitation Laws in Colorado

Property rights regarding cohabitation are not specifically defined in Colorado as they are in Colorado divorce cases, thereby relegating parties to traditional civil remedies.   Such remedies are not specifically designed to address property jointly acquired during...

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Gottesfeld Law:




Equitable Building
730 17th St, Suite 77
Denver, CO 80202

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There is no charge for the initial consultation, whether by telephone or by office visit. Even if are not sure that you are entitled to legal representation, please consider contact our firm. We can advise you on the best course of action for your particular case.

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